“Hundreds of people can draw the same thing from memory and the
results are so very different,” says 26-year-old Marie McGrory, the
Washington, D.C.-based photo editor behind @closedeyegiraffe.
For the past three years, Marie has been asking people all over the
world to perform a simple task: draw a giraffe with their eyes closed.
“The response I get most often is, ‘I can’t even draw with my eyes
open!’ But they are usually pleasantly surprised by the result,” she
says. Marie started drawing with her eyes closed in high school as an
exercise to capture a different perspective — and take the pressure off
perfection. She believes giraffes are the ultimate subjects: “I can’t
imagine a person on this planet that doesn’t think giraffes are cool or
beautiful or interesting or totally weird or all of the above. Every
time I look at one of the drawings, they make me smile, and I think we
need more of that.” #WorldGiraffeDay