How to Be a Billionaire.

nd retain wealth. Here's a theory of how to become a billionaire.

Part 1
Creating Opportunities

  1. Image titled Be a Billionaire Step 01
    Study hard. Normally, billionaires don't happen by accident. Be a billionaire by studying interest rates, tax brackets and dividends. Take finance classes online or at a university. Read books about investing.
    • Study finance and entrepreneurship. Learn to identify consumer needs, then develop business models to fulfill those needs. Currently, computer science skills and new technology are lucrative careers.
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    • Read about successful billionaires; Warren Buffett, Bill Gates or Jon Huntsman, Sr. Be wise with money to amass more.
  2. Image titled Be a Billionaire Step 02
    Save money. It takes money to make money. Set aside a specific amount of money from each paycheck and put it in a savings account, to collect interest and use for future investments.
    • Decide what percentage of earnings to spare - as little as $20 per paycheck will make a difference over three or four years. Invest money you can afford to lose in a high-risk investment.
  3. Image titled Be a Billionaire Step 03
    Start an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Available from financial institutions, IRAs are customized financial plans, set up to save for the future. To save a billion dollars, start saving as soon as possible. Interest accrues on savings.[1]
    • Depending on the financial institution, a minimum amount of money may be required initially. Research options and talk to a financial advisor.
  4. Image titled Be a Billionaire Step 04
    Pay off your credit card debt. It's hard to get ahead with debts hanging over head. Student loans and credit card debt should be paid off as soon as possible. Average annual percentage rates vary between 20% and 30%, so the balance will continue growing.[2]
  5. Image titled Be a Billionaire Step 05
    Make a five-year plan. Estimate how much money to save over 5 years. Decide the best way to use money, whether it's investing, starting a business or allowing money to collect interest.
    • Keep finances a priority. Write financial goals down and refer to these regularly. To stay interested in financial projects, write reminders and put them where they will be seen every day - for instance, on the bathroom mirror or the dashboard of your car.
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Part 2

  1. Image titled Be a Billionaire Step 06
    Buy real estate. A common way to make money is investing in real estate. Property may gain in value over years, and may provide a good return on investment. Investments can be flipped, rented, or developed.
    • Beware of investing during an artificially inflated market, and make sure the monthly mortgage is easily affordable. It would be a good idea to read about the 2008 sub prime mortgage crisis in the United States to learn from cautionary tales.
  2. Image titled Be a Billionaire Step 07
    Invest in business. Starting your own business or buying into one can be a solid way to make money. Create or choose a company that offers a product or service that you would buy yourself, and put time and money toward improving it. Learn about the industry to differentiate good and bad business investments.
    • Investing in green energy and computer technology may be a good plan for the future. These businesses are projected to grow over the next decades, so investing now may be a smart investment.
  3. Image titled Be a Billionaire Step 08
    Buy and sell stocks. The stock market may be a good place to increase wealth. Watch the markets carefully before buying and pay attention to which stocks are successful. Be informed to make smart purchases. Most stocks appreciate over the long term. Ride out small dips in value and take occasional risks.
    • Dividend reinvestment plans (DRIPs) and direct stock purchase plans (DSPs) bypass brokers (and commissions) by buying directly from company agents. These are offered by over 1,000 major corporations. Invest as little as $20-30 per month; fractional shares of stocks can be bought.
  4. Image titled Be a Billionaire Step 09
    Open Money Market Accounts (MMAs). These accounts require a higher minimum amount than regular savings accounts, but accrue twice the rate of interest of a savings account. High-yield MMAs are somewhat risky--withdrawing the money and affecting its investments are limited--but it's a good way to allow money to grow by doing, essentially, nothing.
  5. Image titled Be a Billionaire Step 10
    Invest in government bonds. Bonds are interest certificates issued by government agencies, like the Treasury, which offers no risk of default. The government controls the printing presses and can print whatever money is required to cover the principal, so these are relatively safe investments and a good way to diversify your investments.
    • Talk to a trustworthy broker and consider a bond-buying plan over to diversify your portfolio.

Part 3
Maintaining Wealth

  1. Image titled Be a Billionaire Step 11
    Consult good brokers for advice. Money is as good as the advice received. After accumulating a considerable amount of wealth, nobody wants to spend time huddled in front of a monitor watching stocks change by fractions of a percentage. You're going to want to be out living life. Good, trustworthy financial advisors and brokers will work to keep your accounts swelling with excess funds.
  2. Image titled Be a Billionaire Step 12
    Diversify portfolio and investments. Don't keep money in one place. Diversify your portfolio and invest in stocks, real estate, mutual funds, bonds, and other investments recommended by brokers to modify risk. If a risky investment in ShamWow absorbent towels ends up tanking, at least you've still got a considerable amount of money in other ventures.[3]
  3. Image titled Be a Billionaire Step 13
    Make smart financial decisions. The Internet is full of penny stock schemes and get-rich-quick hokum that preys upon the ignorant and seduces gullible people into making bad financial decisions. Do the research and commit to a lifetime of investing and making money. There are very few exceptions to becoming an overnight billionaire.
    • When in doubt, be conservative with investments. Diversifying money wisely, letting interest accrue and riding fluctuating markets will be a smart decision in the long run.
  4. Image titled Be a Billionaire Step 14
    Know when to get out. At a certain point, knowing when to pull out of an investment before it collapses from under you is essential. If you've surrounded yourself with smart brokers, listen to their advice, but also know when to listen to your gut.
    • If you see an opportunity to sell big and make a profit, do it. Profit is profit. If that stock ends up appreciating the next year, you've still made money that you can reinvest elsewhere.
  5. Image titled Be a Billionaire Step 15
    Act the part. To be a billionaire, act like one. Mingle with moneyed and cultured people, pick up advice and knowledge from the experienced.
    • Cultivate interests in fine art, fine dining, and travel. Consider buying a yacht and other standard trappings of the wealthy that are unaffordable.
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    • There's a distinction between "old money" and "new money." New money is a derogatory term for people who have gained wealth quickly and live ostentatiously, spending and living a lavish lifestyle. To hold onto wealth, learn from old money and ascend to the stratosphere.
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Community Q&A

  • When starting my own company, is it better to do so on a national level or an international level?
    wikiHow Contributor
    Often, it's better to start a company on a national level. When your company is gets big enough, you go international.
  • How to be a trillionaire?
    wikiHow Contributor
    Its not easy to be a trillionaire, and is indeed extremely unusual. Having an aim like this is liable to set you on a path of being obsessed with money making at the cost of many important things in life, such as family, friends, time, your inner self, and more. Decide whether that is truly worth it or whether wealth creation involves more than just money for you. If you'd like to be financially healthy, you can begin by ensuring that your business ventures are useful, needed and profitable.
  • Can I be a billionaire mechanic with bad grades in high school?
    wikiHow Contributor
    If you work hard, anything is possible. However, you'd probably need to own an entire chain of mechanics workshops across a country, and offer something extraordinary over and above what other mechanics do for the billions to roll in. Perhaps focus first on improving those grades and broadening your talents before dreaming of your billions; it also pays to realize that money truly isn't all that matters in life.
  • How old do you have to be to invest in business and buy stocks, real estate, and the like?
    wikiHow Contributor
    There is no specific age to start to be an investor. Warren Buffet started when he was 7 years old. Read up on what you want to invest in, and ask anyone you know who invests for tips.
  • Can I have billions if I left school?
    wikiHow Contributor
    Anyone can have billions, it is just that most everyone will never have billions because the system is rigged so that the few have billions and the rest have nothing of the sort. Whether or not school helps depends on who you are and the luck you experience. There is a lot of baloney about going to school and not going to school when in actual fact it really comes down to how many risks you're willing to take and how confident you are and that is something deep within.
  • How do I open my own business?
    wikiHow Contributor
    You should read other articles on wikiHow about starting your own business. For example, here is an article which should directly answer your question.
  • How can I become rich with little money?
    wikiHow Contributor
    Invest your money smartly, and spend time studying good things to invest in, such as a currency or a rapidly growing stock. Invest in small companies that have cheap stocks and show great promise, such as a biotech or artificial intelligence company. Slowly start to build up your cash, then you can continue investing when you have more money, and get a greater return.
  • Can artists become billionaires?
    wikiHow Contributor
    Yes, it is possible for artists to become billionaires, but most artists do not make that much money.

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