However, when starting a business - becoming a millionaire/billionaire is not the goal you should be focusing on.
Have a larger vision that making money- if you are doing the right thing in the right quantity then money will follow.
Figure out a business to reach 1 million or 1 billion people and you will achieve the financial success you are looking for.
Just to give you perspective - Microsoft has 1 BIllion users for their Office suite - so it is not hard for a company of that size to worth billions
Google has Billions of users who use their search engine -and that is why they are a multi-billion dollar company.
Facebook has more than 1 Billion users...
You get the picture?
Stop focusing on how much billions you will make. Start focusing on adding value to people's lives.
I recommend watching this 5 hour Documentary for a little more perspective -
All the best.
Nissar Ahamed
Founding Growth Hacker
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Pouyan Kiani
stop thinking about money being the goal. No one made billions just by
wanting billions. Once you come to the understanding that if you manage
to make something that the world needs, all that money will pile on
itself. There is no concrete plan, if there was everyone would be a
billionaire, so instead everyone needs to find his or her own way. With
that said, the more you listen, study, and dedicate yourself to a
goal, the brighter your chances become. Discover a problem, find a
solution, make that a business. That's the only formula I can think of
becoming a billionaire. Vague, but true.
Alvin Chong
To quote Sir Richard Branson: "if you want to be a millionaire, first be a billionaire then start a new airline."
I would thus advise you to be a trillionaire then start several new airlines, giving you a good chance of being a billionaire.
I would thus advise you to be a trillionaire then start several new airlines, giving you a good chance of being a billionaire.
Kilpatrick Kirksimmons
make billions in a span of only ten years is quite a stretch. To be a
multi-billionaire is extremely difficult. Put in perspective, there are
only 15 nations (out of almost 200) who have economies which
crack a trillion dollars, and only 8 or 9 with more more than 2
trillion. You'll either have to invent something fantastic, or become a
prolific drug mover essentially overnight and avoid getting shot or
caught. To make billions in profits necessarily requires billions in
revenues, and that requires a massive infrastructure (i.e. company) with
nation-wide/global distribution of a highly desirable product or
service. Nothing wrong with aiming for the top of the pyramid, but you
might want to walk before you run; better to shoot for making hundreds
of thousands or millions in the next decade. Your ability to do that is
much more likely, although that of course depends on how much you have
right now. Needless to say, if it was possible to sketch even a vague
pathway toward becoming a billionaire there'd be a lot more of them.
Rama Rethinam
chase money. Chase ideas and improve your skills. Once you read the
history of worlds big brands and the founder you could see they did not
go behind money instead proposed ane executed new ways and methods in
their business. If you still set your goal based on money it may not
give you the exact result instead you manage you goal becoming a number
1 business man, holding power this kinda attitude can make you a
founder of a multi billionaire company. In order to be a one to hold
the No 1 position you will need dedication, innovative ideas, knowing
and adapting the existing and emerging technologies/methods. Hire people
with fire in their doings . Always remember to focus you business
towards the need of a common man and work on in what way you could
provide them bettter services and features. Should think on all aspects
and never forget to watch your competitors. Let them win over you
occasionally or else you may loose the the fire in your action . Dont
procrastinate things. Follow good principles.
Shishir Gupta,
am going to tell you about a farming product now. There is a herb
called safed musli that is called chlorophytum borivilianum in English.
It holds an important position in Indian herbal medicine. The roots are
widely used as a natural "sex tonic" and is an integral part of more
than 100 herbal drug formulations (Oudhia 2001a). Although Indian
forests are rich in safed moosli demand is increasing rapidly in
Indian and international drug markets. Foreign demand has been estimated
as 300-700 tonnes annually (Bordia et al. 1995), a quantity that Indian
forests cannot sustain. This has created a pressure on Indian forests
and if steps for timely conservation are not taken, the Indian forests
will lose this valuable plant (Oudhia 2001b). At present the
availability of Chlorophytum is decreasing and obnoxious weeds like Parthenium hysterophons and Lantana are taking its place (Oudhia 1996).
Dried roots of Chlorophytum contain 42% carbohydrate, 80–9% protein, 3–4% fiber and 2–17% saponin (Bordia et al. 1995). Research studies onChlorophytum conducted in India and elsewhere indicate that saponins are responsible for medicinal properties. Saponins are thought to be highest in roots of forest origin.
More than 175 species of Chlorophytum have been reported in the world. Chloophytum comosum is widely used as ornamental plant where it is commonly known as spider ivy, spider plant, aeroplane plant, or walking anthericum. Thirteen species of Chlorophytum have been been reported in India. All these species differ in appearance, native species are sold as sufed moosli in the Indian drug market. Chlorophytum boriviliahum produces the highest yield and highest saponin content. Other native Indian Chlorophytum species (Table 1) include C. arundinaceum, C. tuberosu, C. laxum, and C. breviscapum (Oudhia 2000a).
Innovative Indian farmers have initiated commercial cultivation of safed moosli. The crop is a popular rainy season (kharif crop) in India and a commercial root harvest can be obtained in 3–4 months. Spacing 30 × 15 cm is optimum. The crop seems adapted to a wide range of conditions. Few insect pests have been reported (Oiudhia 2000b, 2001e). Saponin content may be affected by fungicides and synthetic phyrethroides. Many moosli farms have started selection of cultivars.
There is now a heavy demand of organically grown safed moosli with high saponin content in national and international drug market. In India moosli-based products are coming regularly to the market. The area under this crop is increasing rapidly in India.
The most interesting part is that safed musli grows to 11-25 times every year. It seed will cost you Rs. 200 - 400 per Kg where as the finished goods will sell for Rs. 1800 to 3000 per Kg. So this way you will multiply minimum 11 times, therefore if you start with Rs. 1 lakh then you will have Rs. 11 lakhs in 1 year itself.
You can easily get the seeds, technical knowledge & buyers by performing few google searches. All the best.
Dried roots of Chlorophytum contain 42% carbohydrate, 80–9% protein, 3–4% fiber and 2–17% saponin (Bordia et al. 1995). Research studies onChlorophytum conducted in India and elsewhere indicate that saponins are responsible for medicinal properties. Saponins are thought to be highest in roots of forest origin.
More than 175 species of Chlorophytum have been reported in the world. Chloophytum comosum is widely used as ornamental plant where it is commonly known as spider ivy, spider plant, aeroplane plant, or walking anthericum. Thirteen species of Chlorophytum have been been reported in India. All these species differ in appearance, native species are sold as sufed moosli in the Indian drug market. Chlorophytum boriviliahum produces the highest yield and highest saponin content. Other native Indian Chlorophytum species (Table 1) include C. arundinaceum, C. tuberosu, C. laxum, and C. breviscapum (Oudhia 2000a).
Innovative Indian farmers have initiated commercial cultivation of safed moosli. The crop is a popular rainy season (kharif crop) in India and a commercial root harvest can be obtained in 3–4 months. Spacing 30 × 15 cm is optimum. The crop seems adapted to a wide range of conditions. Few insect pests have been reported (Oiudhia 2000b, 2001e). Saponin content may be affected by fungicides and synthetic phyrethroides. Many moosli farms have started selection of cultivars.
There is now a heavy demand of organically grown safed moosli with high saponin content in national and international drug market. In India moosli-based products are coming regularly to the market. The area under this crop is increasing rapidly in India.
The most interesting part is that safed musli grows to 11-25 times every year. It seed will cost you Rs. 200 - 400 per Kg where as the finished goods will sell for Rs. 1800 to 3000 per Kg. So this way you will multiply minimum 11 times, therefore if you start with Rs. 1 lakh then you will have Rs. 11 lakhs in 1 year itself.
You can easily get the seeds, technical knowledge & buyers by performing few google searches. All the best.
Mark Rigotti,
really need to ask one of the 4,000+ billionaires in the world who have
done it and not us the other 99.9999375% of the world who have not.
Suggestion dream a bit smaller.
Suggestion dream a bit smaller.
Zach Chai Sr.,
Yeah; asking this question on Quora and hope for the best.
Being a billionaire is highly difficult; and people don't just go out and try and make it.
Start out with 500 million; any reputable family office can turn that into a billion with little difficulty.
Being a billionaire is highly difficult; and people don't just go out and try and make it.
Start out with 500 million; any reputable family office can turn that into a billion with little difficulty.
Hayden Burrus,
Start with half a billion. Invest wisely and earn a 7% return. Wait 10 years.