If you are a fan of visiting
haunted places and looking ahead to spend the coming month at some
haunted place then you should give a thought to visit a haunted hotel
once. There are end numbers of guests visiting every year in such hotels
and there have been booked many in-house deaths which have turned these
places into haunted hotels.
Next time whenever you think to add any haunted hotel in your
itinerary, do carry your camera, voice recorder and video camera to
capture the ghost, or weird sounds which you would like to have as a
testimony with you.
Have a look at the list of 12 haunted hotels which you can visit
right now. You will find a spooky place to stay whether you will visit
12. The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel in Los Angeles, California, USA

via: thompsonhotels.com
Fans of old Hollywood and ghost would like to stay at the Hollywood
Roosevelt hotel which is 90 years old. It is believed that there had
been the lot of notable actors staying there in the past and is said
that they never left the place. As per the reports of national
geographic news, Guests have experienced the ghosts of famous actors
like Marilyn Monroe, Errol Flynn and Montgomery Clift and even some
ghostly orbs are reported too.