The rich is the most careless class of people on the planet! Yes,
they are indeed least interested in taking care of their belongings and
keeping them in good quality; they have enough number of servants and
caretakers in their house to take care of these small and minor things.
So they often tend to invest their money in buying property on some of
the poshest streets in famous cities and then forget about them. We have
multiple evidences of great, large and billionaire properties all over
the world that lie empty and are not taken care of. The houses are
literally falling down in shambles and have no one to look after.
One of the well-known streets in the northwest part of London, near
Hampstead area, a large number of huge mansions lie in a complete mess
and have also become filthy. Considered as the most expensive streets in
the world, the Bishops Avenue has several unattended homes, large
mansions and properties that belong to billionaires and were not
adequately taken care of! Due to remaining vacant for decades, these
pretty houses are falling in shambles which could also affect the
neighboring houses in the area. The rate of these billionaire
properties, however instead of going low, has gone up immensely.
Out of the total 66 houses that are vacant and belong to billionaires
across the globe, almost a six of them are failing in bits and pieces
while some are also going beyond repairs.
11. Bishop of London Owned the Land
This beautiful house that once belonged to the Church of England is
now a house for a 75-year old billionaire named Hourieh Peramaa. Bishops
Wood surrounds this beautiful area and was primarily owned by the
Bishop of London in 704. However in 1894 the house had been sold off to
the Church of England and, since then, it has changed several hands. The
house is named the Royal Mansion which is still pretty and elegant. The
billionaire Hourieh Peramaa is currently planning for renovations worth
$50 million.