suicide forests to Hitler’s hospital and mummified corpses. Check out
the most terrifying places to visit across the globe this Halloween!
Chauchilla Cemetery
Image Source: Denny Ermolli
This place puts haunted houses to shame! The ancient burial ground is filled with human remains that date back to 1,000 AD.
The Church of Nossa Senhora do Bom Fin, Brazil
Image by: Eyemaze
This Baroque church in Salvador, Bahia is filled with wax casts of
body parts. Sick church goers pay to have plaster casts made of specific
body parts they’d like cured, which are then hung up on the church
Beelitz-Heilstätten Military Hospital, Germany
Image Source: Maxwell Hamilton
Built in 1898 to treat tuberculosis patients, this hospital was once
used to treat Hitler, but that way ages before he became the figure we
know him to have been today.
Abandoned School in Pripyat, Ukraine
Image Source: Getty Images
This place will seriously creep you out! The town of Pripyat in
Ukraine was completely abandoned after the horrific nuclear explosion in
Chernobyl in 1986. These masks bare witness to the fear, suffering and
danger that was exposed to locals.
La Isla de Munecas, Mexico
Image Source: Esparta Palma
There’s an entire island filled with dolls in Mexico. The strange
doll hanging phenomena is believed to have begun a few years ago, when a
young girl tragically died in the area. Dolls are still left here in
dedication to her memory to this very day.
Capuchin Catacombs, Palermo
Image Source: Queen Of Darkness Blog
WTF is this??? If you ever happen to be travelling around Italy, take
some time to visit these creepy monastic catacombs, where you’ll find
endless rows of mummified priests’ remains!
Sculpture Park of Veijo Rönkkönen, Finland
Image Source: Ilkka Jukarainen
From the 1960s until his death in 2010, Finnish artist Veijo
Rönkkönen dedicated pretty much all of his time to sculpting these
creepy figures out stone in a park in Finland. Today, they’re overgrown
with moss and look downright freaky!
Hill of Crosses, Lithuania
Image Source: Dainis Matisons
You can try to find a place on earth that has more crucifixes than
the Hill of Crosses in Lithuania, but you’ll have a hard time seeking
one out, because there is a serious amount of crosses in this place.
Though local authorities have tried to knock this place down several
times, locals continue to build it up again.
Aokogahira, Japan
Image Source: Ajari Japan
Also known as “Suicide Forest”, this is probably the creepiest place
in Japan. The forest is believed to be damned and filled with negative
spirits. It’s also where depressed Japanese people tend to come to
commit suicide. Don’t believe us? Go check out the bodies for yourself!
Monastery of Sao Francisco, Lima
Image Source: Ray LAC
And to wrap things up, why not visit the Monastery of Sao Francisco
in Lima, where there are so many human remains, that local monks have
decided to make interior decorations with them!